Our mission at the Southern Forest Heritage Museum & Research Center is to develop, preserve, and maintain the nation’s most complete and significant sawmill complex, and to promote and interpret the forest history of the South.
We are a 501c3 organization, a non-profit entity. The Southern Forest Heritage Museum was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1995 and was elevated to the National Level of Significance in 2008.
Our facilities include:
Full list at Driving Tours tab and additional information at Long Leaf Mill tab.
- Commissary and Terrel WWII Collection
- Post Office
- Caroline Dormon House Exhibit
- Civilian Conservation Corps Exhibit
- Henry Hardtner House Exhibit
- Camp Claiborne WWII Exhibit
- Civilian Conservation Corp Fire Cabin
- Sawmill
- Planer Mill
- Power Plant
- Dry Kiln
- Lumber Storage Shed and Hotel
- RR&G Railroad Engine House
- RR&G Railroad Machine Shop
- SFHM Offices
- SFHM Research Center